Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This Story Has A Happy Ending

Or, "Why Batman is scared of August"

Batman does not like change (republicat?). Changes in location, changes in food, changes in speed while in the car, change in time of day. Batman just doesn't do change.

While driving back to Augusta from Houston, August and I decided to stop for the night at a hotel I've stayed at in Baton Rouge (we got a really late start) that was close to the freeway and accepted pets. Little did we know that there was an LSU football game that night. We couldn't find any hotels in the area that were less than $200/night and took pets so we got back on 10 to head further out to find something cheaper.

Remember what I said about Batman not liking changes in car speed? Add that to the fact that he just plain ole hates the car and we had been driving around slowly for a while, teasing him into thinking we were stopping and you have one PISSED OFF cat. He was yeowling his head off in the back window. We eventually started ignoring him so he decided to make his way to the front seat by way of the driver's (August's) left shoulder to let us know, in no uncertain (or quiet) terms just how pissed off he was.

Right as he gets a couple paws onto August's shoulder, Batman's back paw hits the window down button. On the freeway. At 70+ mph. After a few tense seconds we get the window rolled up (and child locked, lesson learned!) and Batman into the front seat with me. He didn't make one peep for the rest of the night.

But the story doesn't end there. The next day we drove for over 12 hours, at one point through an awful stop and go traffic jam, and he is totally, uncharacteristically silent. Not even a small complaint. My theory is that Batman doesn't realize he rolled the window down and thinks we did and were going to throw him out if he didn't stop complaining. He was on his best behavior on Sunday to make sure he wouldn't be thrown out the window. Poor guy :-/

Okay, so I laugh about this, especially his coming to the front seat to complain. What a whiny little bitch! ;-)